Trials In Tainted Space Jumper

Re: NSFW Trials in Tainted Space - TiTS Post by Allen1013 » Thu May 25, 2017 2:13 am Got the 1.7 table to work when I made my new guy but when I saved and came back couldnt get it to tune or fix anything.

MrPink might have misunderstood my request for a slyveren dick growth scene, but I like how it came out, even if it doesn’t match the ingame scenes.

0.7.205 Changelog:

  • Added twelve new room descriptions (and some new rooms to hold them) on the Forge deck of Zheng Shi. Included is a room with a “Dong Designer” that has some upgrades your ship one doesn’t. Soon I’ll be adding the option to copy its firmware to your own shipbound one. (But not yet.)
  • Two new stories have been added as rare drops in Zheng Shi. Cow Stuff by Abe E Seedy and The Tower of Trials by Carol J. Links to their websites are included with the stories.
  • It is now possible to go back to Maike’s location after defeating her and choose to free the slaves.
  • A new rare drop has been added to Zheng Shi: an Urtanium Ring Piercing. While equipped, it makes your tease attacks more powerful against furry enemies but also makes you more susceptible to theirs.
  • Dialogue for Extrameet dates should be properly italicized.
  • Mhenga and Tarkus will now start dropping a small collection of generic piercings after all their rare drop stories have been found. These will probably move to a more liberal drop scheme or shop in the future, but I wanted to get some more options in fast.
  • Ruby Rose Branwen: Full Name: Ruby Rose Beowulf Branwen Nickname(s): Red Hellhound Gender: Herm Sex: Herm Race/Species: Half-Ausar/Quarter Human/Quarter Kui-Tan Hybrid Birthday: October 31th Age: Between 18 to 21 years old Occupation: Wanderer, Jumper, Pirate, Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Adventurer, Smuggler, Engineer, Treasure Hunter, Bodyguard, Repairman, Blacksmith, Rusher.
  • Ruby Rose Branwen: Full Name: Ruby Rose Beowulf Branwen Nickname(s): Red Hellhound Gender: Herm Sex: Herm Race/Species: Half-Ausar/Quarter Human/Quarter Kui-Tan Hybrid Birthday: October 31th Age: Between 18 to 21 years old Occupation: Wanderer, Jumper, Pirate, Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Adventurer, Smuggler, Engineer, Treasure Hunter, Bodyguard, Repairman, Blacksmith, Rusher.
  • Category: Trials in Tainted Space Backers TiTS Zaika Watiti. May 13, 2020 Fenoxo Fenfen. Art Trials in Tainted Space. The Easter Jumper was written by William (coded by yours truly) and comes with some of the lewdest, most varied combat attacks I’ve seen in a while. She comes with three unique scenes and some decently.
  • Home / Art / Trials in Tainted Space /. If you win a fight against a Bored Jumper then the consecutive loss counter will be fully reset. Crona1229 says: September 1, 2018 at 2:11 pm. Also it does not count if you lose and the dong fuck you. So shower lol unless you a goo-morph.

0.7.206 Changelog:

  • Rare loot procs no longer occur 100% of the time. Whoops.
Trials in tainted space paige
Base Price42000
Bonus Resistances-10% Tease
35% Electric
10% Burning
Defensive TargetSelf

Jumper Jumpsuit

A favorite of the infamous “Jumper” gang, this form-fitting suit of latex-like material is perfect for those who want to win fights and look great doing it. Neon lettering on the thigh declares the wearer’s lawless allegiances with unsubtle glare. Unfortunately the tight clinginess of it does little to help with resisting the more libidinous temptations of the galaxy. Oh well!


1/12 chance to be dropped by Bored Jumper on Zheng Shi.


Can be equipped as armor or be sold to a vendor for credits.

Trials In Tainted Space Cheats

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